Death Kitten
A pink scaled, sakura tattooed Au’ra steps in your view and waves you over. “Heeeey! Names Kitten, or if you like you can just call me Kitt. I’m the one you go to if you just wanna cuddle with the promise (tease) of something more.”
Kitt’s (Spicy) SFW Prices are::Private SFW Snuggles: 250k / hr
Private SFW Session: 350k / hr
Full-Night buyout: 1.2m
After Hours Private SFW Session: 600k / hr


Kitt is a short statured Au’Ra of a unique variety. She was conceived the day her parents decided to elope to have fun in midday and copulate underneath a Sakura tree that coincidentally happened to be a spot in which a rainbow touched based. Shortly after the weather changed to Umbral static and the once bold rainbow dimmed as if its job was finished; until it was no more. Kitt grew up with moogles after her parents left her with them for safe keeping while they continued their mercenary mission they had accepted.She was different, very much so. Pink and white scales that seemed to work in tandem with a white tattoo with pink flower shapes, to cover selective parts of her body. into a tattoo like look complete with its own glow like her limbals, and a more dragon-esque tail, two sets of very unique horns. The top pair are curled towards her face and out. The second bottom pair is curled upwards thorn straight outward parallel to the ground. The former is a stark white, matching her Sakura tattoos. The latter is patterned the same as her scales, various shades of pink and white. The next is not quite so unique but still just as beautiful… within her blue limbal rings is a red iris. However it was not just her appearance, she possessed more Aether than normal and it read more like a Dravanian than a Au’Ra.It was with this difference she found it slightly difficult to get to know others as she was a bit of an oddity in terms of unwanted attention. Especially in Ishgard despite being a warrior of light and helps with other warriors of light to end the fued between Ishgardians and Dravanians. Though the undue pleasure stims from the former side. One day Kit made it her personal mission to change the attention she would get it and work it in her favor.One way she sought out was to be a comfort to those who wanted some light company or wanted to feel wanted in the smallest of ways."Just for today, focus on the present and leave behind the weight of yesterday's regrets and tomorrow's worries."